(204) 555-5555

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Drop in Gym in Brandon, Manitoba

We're Here to Help You
Achieve Your Fitness Goals.


What is Functional Fitness?

A collection of varying movements that replicate every day, natural physical tasks ( i.e. lifting a heavy box = deadlifts, getting up from a chair = squat, putting your luggage in the overhead bin = press). Many people have the misconception that these movements are performed at maximum intensity, however, the level of intensity (speed/weight/volume) is relative to each member’s needs and capabilities. Our coaches are experienced in tailoring workouts to find the most effective intensity level for each member.

Do I need to be in shape to start?

Absolutely not! Your job is to show up and want to improve. Our job is to make it happen. Whether you’ve never seen the inside of a gym, have taken “some time” off, or are looking to get yourself to the next competitive level, we have the coaches, programming, and community to support you at any stage. Our experience is that you won’t be the only person walking through our doors asking themselves this question. Still unsure if you’re ready? Send us an email to discuss anything you’re still wondering about.

Why does it cost more than a conventional gym?

A personal training session costs anywhere from $45 to $100 per hour or even more! Scale this up to a small group training session or multiple times per week and you can calculate the monthly cost. Individual online training costs $160-$300 per month and often provides programming but no coaching. At DeadSet Fitness we offer personalized group training sessions led by an experienced coach and programming tracks based on your fitness goals. We think this model is the most effective (and fun) way to create the best member experience possible.

Why don’t you have just a 24/7 membership option?

We strongly believe in the group training effect and the impact felt by challenging yourself alongside other people who are doing the same. By joining DeadSet Fitness, you’re also joining a community of hard-working people who encourage and motivate each other. This can’t be replicated when members are doing their own workouts throughout the gym at the same time. We also want our members moving safely, so every workout is 100% coach led. For our members looking for extra time to develop skills, train for a competition, or fit the workout into their busy schedule, we offer an Open Gym add-on that can be used outside class times.

Why does the 8 Class Pass have an expiry?

Consistency is key, and we can’t guarantee results if members only show up a couple of times per month. We want to accommodate busy schedules but feel we’re providing a false-hope of results if we don’t encourage consistency. Our 8 Class Pass expires two months from the time you purchase it.

What should I bring?

Not much! Comfortable workout clothes, clean shoes, and a water bottle.