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Admin / Marketing













Chris Menzies

Owner / Coach

Chris played several sports growing up and narrowed his focus to baseball through College. He was introduced to different training programs over these years and found himself drawn to CrossFit classes for the group training effect; there’s a lot to be said about accomplishing hard things right beside others who are all doing the same.

While Chris still loves learning and developing new skills, his passion is in coaching and finding the right cues to help others become more confident in their fitness abilities.

– CrossFit L1 Trainer
– CrossFit Weightlighting Trainer
– CrossFit Spot the Flaw
– CrossFit Judges Course

Brooke Huculak

Owner / Coach

Brooke’s athletic background is in volleyball, which she played through University. After her competitive team sports days were behind her, she found CrossFit to keep competing and challenging herself to learn new skills. It shouldn’t be a surprise that Brooke is always training with her sights (dead)set on the next competition.

Brooke has a passion for coaching because she loves seeing others accomplish things they never thought they could do.

– CrossFit L1 Trainer
– CrossFit Nutrition I
– CrossFit Judges Course

Brittany Dixon

Admin / Marketing

Sticking with the common theme, Brittany also grew up playing soccer, hockey, and anything else she could get involved with. As she grew out of these sports, Brittany found a love for running, which led her to compete in several triathlons, half marathons, and other distance running events.

After having two boys, she was introduced to functional fitness and realized it was much more enjoyable than being trampled underwater by other triathlon competitors. Her draw is not only the physical challenge but the mental challenge as well that some of her workouts require – both of which she says have never felt stronger!

Brittany is very excited to be a part of the DeadSet Fitness team and has a passion for improving lives through fitness that she can’t wait to share with every member who comes through our doors.

– CrossFit Nutrition I

Steven Kaskiw


Steven first grew interested in CrossFit classes when he was looking for ways to stay active and was attracted to the challenge of constantly varied workouts. Now he enjoys helping others compete against those same challenges through coaching. He has been coaching / instructing CrossFit classes as an L1 Trainer for over 4.5 years.

Steven recently graduated with his Master’s of Education, where much of his focus was on how physical activity and exercise can improve educational outcomes. Steven still enjoys learning about the different ways to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Steven has recently got into the hobby of hiking and backcountry camping with his buddy Jordan, but most of his spare time is spent with his dog Connor. You can expect to see both of them around the gym!

– CrossFit L2 Trainer
– CrossFit Anatomy Course


Kinsley Skulmoski


Kinsley grew up in Brandon and has always been interested in sports and physical activity. She is fascinated by the human body and can appreciate how movement and strengthening can impact daily function and quality of life.

Kinsley found the functional fitness style of training 10 years ago after a few of her friends had started and encouraged her to try it. She instantly fell in love with the pace, variety, atmosphere and challenge of it. She has been coaching for 5 years and really enjoys seeing others get stronger and move more efficiently.

When Kinsley is not at the gym, you can usually find her doing some sort of outdoor activity – hiking, biking, camping. When not on the move she enjoys spending time with her family or curling up on the couch with a good book and of course a good cup of coffee.

– CrossFit L1 Trainer

Chaelynn Kitz


Chaelynn has been interested in sports and fitness from a young age. Growing up, Chaelynn participated in many sports with curling and softball receiving the most of her attention.

Chaelynn was introduced to CrossFit in high school and instantly fell in love with the workouts. Since beginning her functional fitness journey, Chaelynn has coached in multiple gyms as well as her own in her hometown of Oxbow, SK. Chaelynn is a huge believer that functional fitness is for everyone from any skill set and this shows with her attention to detail to ensure every DeadSet member enjoys a workout tailored to fit their needs and current ability.

Chaelynn not only uses functional fitness to stay physically and mentally healthy, but she also uses it as a tool to increase her fitness to be a competitive Canadian curler and as she works towards her Firefighter / Paramedic career.

– CrossFit L1 Trainer
– Bachelor of Kinesiology: Exercise and Sport Studies

Cash Blanca


Cash grew up down the road in Winnipeg and played basketball competitively until he graduated from Providence College, where he and his wife Joanne played for 4 years. Now he plays in any beer league he can find as long as he doesn’t have to get on the ice.

Cash first sought out DeadSet as an opportunity to stay active. Since then, he has absolutely loved every second and continues to learn and teach fitness. The amount of fun he has can be seen in every picture taken during his first competition last month where Cash is wearing a huge smile in every one.

With a degree in Social Sciences and a diploma as a Recreational Coordinator, Cash is motivated to inspire adults and youth through physical activity.

– CrossFit L1 Trainer

Kayla Drakeley


Kayla is a born and raised Brandon gal. She met a real life lumberjack and is now raising two kiddos of her own here.

Kayla grew up with a love of soccer. That love never went away as she currently plays in a league today!

Fitness has always been at the forefront for Kayla. She understands the importance of staying active for the physical benefits but also the mental. She balances being a mumma, a wife and a shift worker, answering 911 lines and bossing around police and firefighters for the province through Provincial E911.

DeadSet approached Kayla about working towards becoming a coach. She was very hesitant but we explained that she possesses an incredible personal work ethic in the gym and is one of the most supportive, motivating members we’ve had since Day 1.

– CrossFit L1 Trainer

Suzanne Rowley


Suzanne is a jack of all trades. She previously instructed group spin and strength classes for 6 years! She also was an OG member at Coach Carrie’s gym, Embark Fitness for years.

Suzanne has always prioritized fitness. When asked why, she said it’s because of the way she feels. How strong she is. How good she sleeps. At almost 52, she feels as good as she did when she was 32 thanks to consistent fitness.

Since day 1, Suzanne has pushed to be the best version of herself in each class. She always lights up the room and has other members bursting out laughing when she drops the most unexpected, hilarious one liner.

DF was confident Suzanne would be an asset to our coaching roster as she is incredibly well rounded and very experienced in functional fitness and group class instructing. She is ambitious, age is just a number – this woman knows she can do it all and will put the effort in until she does.

We asked Suzanne why she is passionate about coaching, she said: “I wanted to coach because I love to see people push themselves and their limits. Seeing those gains gives me such a high!”

Get in Touch

If you’ve made it this far, you’ve probably got some questions! Email us or use the Contact page and a coach will be in touch to get you started on your fitness journey.